Abraham Lincoln~

The best thing about the future is that it only comes One Day at a Time~ Abraham Lincoln

Monday, February 6, 2012

"To Write or Not"

I really am having fun blogging. I don't know if anyone else really cares what I have to say every day but that's ok-I'm doing it for me.
It's funny because each day I wonder-"what will I post tonight?". I told a close friend that I was blogging and she said she could blog 365 days on all her pet peeves!! Too funny-then I started thinking, I probably could too, but that's not what mine is about (and you all said thank goodness).
But I will share something from the positive side:
I LOVE getting mail!! Today I got a letter (it was addressed to the family but I know it was really meant for me :) ) and it was one of the sweetest notes-A THANK YOU note!! Do you know how rare it is to get thank you notes from anyone anymore? Parents don't teach their children to write them, adults don't take the time to write them and the computer age has pretty much eliminated the snail mail thank you notes. People will text a thank you or Facebook a thank you but I still think it's nice to thank someone with a note. It shows that the gift meant enough to you to take the time and thought to send a thank you. There's nothing wrong with the other ways of thank yous but I'm a little old fashioned still I guess. So...when I got this note and it was from a college student, to boot, well, it MADE MY DAY!!! They took the time out of their schedule to write us (and you know what? It was more than one line!) I thought it deserved  'picture of the day and  topic' of my blog for a day. Here's my tip for the day and it's free: Take a minute to write a short note to someone-a thank you or thinking of you. It won't take a long time and it will really make a brighter spot in someone's life as they take it One Day at a Time! (Did I mention I love to get mail??!) :)


  1. Great post Lori. Thanks for the reminder that often the small acts of kindness can brighten a day! Hugs friend.

    1. Thanks Margi for reading and commenting-you are my first comment!! I love your blog and have wanted to do something fun so here I am. Hugs to you too!
