Abraham Lincoln~

The best thing about the future is that it only comes One Day at a Time~ Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Land of the Brave and the Free

Today I was able to exercise a wonderful privilege-VOTING! It is so amazing to live in a FREE country where we pick our leaders. This morning I was able to meet a client that has just come back from his tour abroad and welcome him home. Then I was able to go to a polling place and place a vote for who I want to support. I'm so thankful that God is in control and knows who will be the next leader of our country but it's great to have a small part in that process as I move forward in this life One Day at a Time!  Hopefully if you are a registered voter, you took the responsibility and went and voted. You can't just sit and complain if you don't do your part. God Bless America!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Three Fun F's: Food, Fun, and Friends

I hosted a Pampered Chef show tonight for Missie and it's always a Fun Night for me!
I wasn't sure how many girlfriends were going to actually come but the party peaked out with 11 of us and it was a blast! We cooked up a recipe of Mexican Chicken Napoleons with a fruit salsa (pineapple, kiwi, jalapeno pepper and lime juice) and fresh salsa and chips...Oh, and heart shaped brownies!!
Three girls had never been to a Pampered Chef show so it was nice to share with them what I really enjoyed using in my kitchen. An old friend was back in town and it was nice to spend a little time with her. Everyone enjoyed the food and then, like a whirlwind, by 9pm-everyone was gone!!!  Today was a stressful day for me-I was sooooooooo busy at work and I had to leave early to sit for 2 hours in the walk-in clinic for JW to have his arm x-rayed. Thankfully it is NOT broken but then I ran home to cook dinner and be ready for the party. But you know what? It all turned out fine and it reminded me...As I take One day at a Time...I need to enjoy it!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Profit or loss?

Funny how God brings certain verses to your mind and then uses it again in another circumstance.
A few days ago, maybe a week (time goes by so quickly now so who knows), Mark 8:36 suddenly popped into my mind: For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
This verse first came to my mind when I was driving down a street in a newer neighborhood and saw a HUGE home with an expensive little sports car parked in front. Don't get me wrong-there is nothing wrong with a beautiful home (or even a castle) or a nice car but it that what life is all about for you? If so, you have missed the mark. Pastor used the verse this morning in his sermon and made me think about it again. It made me stop and think about my priorities and sure that what I am doing and why I'm doing it have the right motives! I'm so thankful for a church and pastor that preaches the Bible as God's Word and is complete and all we need to live our life One Day at a Time.
 (Pastor Andy and Amy Goad)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Weekend is already half-way over!

I couldn't resist putting up this picture! I empathize with her-I think she was crying because her time with our church was almost over. This is how I feel when I realize that my weekend flies by so much faster than my work week. It was great today to be able to sleep in (815am) and then lounge around while I did laundry and puttered around my house!! I visited a garage sale sponsered by the Sophomore class from CCS and added a topiary and candle stick to my decorations while supporting their class! I enjoyed the afternoon by sitting on my lanai and reading a book in the sunshine. Then our friends that are staying with us bought steaks to grill our and we enjoyed a wonderful evening of dinner and conversation! I am finishing my evening by repinning all kinds of wonderful recipes and ideas on my Pinterest boards!!
This is the topiary that i got-you be the judge-does it look like dreadlocks to you??!! I definitely enjoyed my day-it was just another One day at a time!

Friday, January 27, 2012

It's Friday...but Sunday's Comin'!

I love to take the time to stop and look at the sky each day.I live in a place that a lot of people call Paradise! It is beautiful and the weather is wonderful, most of the year. I am blessed to see a lot of gorgeous sunrises and sunsets and beautiful scenery in between. God is so Awesome-as Creator he used such a varied palette in making the world for us to live in. And think about how he covered it all in 6 days...one day at a time!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


This is Maggie~our little Dachshund. It amazes me how she can lay just about anywhere and immediately fall asleep. It reminds me of how I should be able to rest in the Lord. No matter what is going on in my life I need to be able to "rest:". Life has its ups and downs and unknowns and always will but I can rest assured that God is always in control and be thankful that I can take it One day at a time!
Psalm 37:7  
Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. 
Matthew 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

Best Intentions-Time Flies!

I can't believe I forgot to post last night! I had thought about different things and even got on the internet but I never came and did it. So sorry! So...
This was my picture for yesterday. My wonderful clock that my BFF got me for Christmas one year and is on my wall in my kitchen. It tells me the time but it also reminds me that time flies, that the clock is always ticking and that my time is short here on earth and I need to make the most of it as I live it minute by minute, waiting for the Lord to come...One day at a time!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cupcakes with no calories!!

I love all things Cupcakes!! I love the real things but I love to collect cupcake items too! I have cupcake place card holders, cupcake dish for our keys, cupcake trinket holders, and now these 2 are the newest pieces: salt & pepper shakers Gail got me for my birthday and this tray I found on my last date out with my husband!
Cupcakes are fun because they are small enough to enjoy one without too many calories. They can be fun to decorate too~there are many types of toppings and liners out there (and I should know since I have a few).
The next time you want to make a dessert-try cupcakes-and then sit down with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, your cupcake and enjoy it One day at a time!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Little Faces

You can't help but smile when  you see these 2 little faces!
Mondays are sometimes a rough day since most of us have had a couple of days off for the weekend and we now have to go back to the work/school routine! So, I thought I would post these 2 little sweeties to start off our week with a smile! Monday is almost over and in a few hours we will be on to Tuesday so..smile and take it a day at a time!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hellos & Goodbyes

So we have had a wonderful 5 weeks with Bethany home from college. I have enjoyed every day she was here! They say 'all good things must come to an end' and today was that day for us. It was time for her to go back to school. We were able to go to church as a family and then we took her up to the place where she would ride with 2 friends back to school.
It's hard as a parent to let go (because she will always be your little girl) but it's good when a child is ready to be responsible and Beth has grown into a wonderful, independent young lady! Of course there seems to be an adventure attached with these trips to/from college and a mother's heart could do without that but I guess that is also part of growing up. I'm excited for her as she starts her 2nd semester and completes her first year in college and will be looking forward to saying hello at the beginning of May. For now...I have to just take One Day at a Time~

Saturday, January 21, 2012

2012 Manatee County Fair

So today we went to the Manatee County Fair and enjoyed a beautiful afternoon outdoors.
We were able to hear J.W.'s school band  play a concert under the big tent.
Of course we sampled fair food ( I can now say that I have tasted deep fried Oreos) and walked around the exhibits and animals and watched the rides. What would a fair be without a Ferris Wheel or the guy who yells out that he can guess your age, weight or birthday. I have no desire to share any of those stats with unknown public or be told that I look that I'm 5-7 years older than I am!! The weather was warm, the sun was shining,and we enjoyed just taking One Day at a Time!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Bubble Gum...

I love these big gumball machines! It doesn't cost much to get a gumball and it's fun to watch it spiral down the machine until it comes to the end. I always wonder what flavor I'll get and hope that it's one that I will like. The gum is great for blowing bubbles!! Have you ever wondered how many gumballs it would take to fill the machine. Have you ever tried to count and see how many are in there? It would take quite a while. Today's picture is just a fun one to enjoy! Next time you are out and see one, put a quarter in and pop the gumball in your mouth and see how big of a bubble you can blow! Have a little fun as you take One Day at a Time.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A song keeps popping into my mind tonight...The Light of the World is Jesus. It goes well with the picture that I took not too long ago and wanted to post tonight.
There was only One way to the top and that was up this beautiful staircase. It reminds me that there is only one way to get to heaven and that is through Christ-admitting you are a sinner and accepting his gift of eternal life purchased by His blood. People try to get to heaven many different ways but being a good person, doing good works or even going to church won't get you to Heaven. Look to Christ, the one true Light. Then you live One day at a Time learning more about Him, loving Him more and sharing that love with those around you. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Rain, Rain...

Remember riding in the car while it was raining and playing the game with the raindrops on the windows? Watching to see which one would make it to the bottom of the window first? I do! I thought of it today when I was driving home in the rain. Things seemed so simple when I was a child. And yet as I look back on my childhood and teenage years and then my young married years and young mother years I am thankful for a lot of things but one thing in particular. I am thankful that God only gave me and continues to give me only One Day at a Time. I do not want to know my entire future before God reveals it to me-I know that I would not have been able to handle half of what we went through if I had known it all in one fell swoop. God is an AMAZING God and gives us the grace to handle what he gives us WHEN He gives it to us. So, I will continue to enjoy each day and the events of that day as it comes and be sure to thank God for it-whatever the outcome!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Have you ever had something to tell someone and you were so excited but then when you went to tell them it was so loud where you were that you had to whisper it to them so they could hear it? This picture reminds me of when God has something to tell me and the world around me is so loud that I have trouble hearing Him. But He tells me in a still small voice...Be still and know that I am God~ It's a constant battle. If I want to hear Him then I need to work on it One Day at a Time!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Dawning of a New Day

A day starts with the dawn and a beautiful sunrise like this one. You go through your day and before you get everything done the day ends and another day begins. Days turn into weeks and weeks into months and soon years past. What have you accomplished? We may be very busy and yet not really be doing anything worthwhile. I'm reminded that in all that we do, only what is done for Christ will last. I must remember that I have been placed here on earth for His purpose. In the busyness of life it can be hard to keep Christ first in all that we do, but remember that "whatever we do in word or in deed to all to the glory of God" and we can do this One Day at a Time!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Busy First Day of the Week

Today has been a busy day and I couldn't decide exactly which picture to use-so that means I've decided to put all 3 in here.
We started a week of Revival at our church with Ben and Tara Farrell. The message so far has been great and I'm looking forward to the rest of the week.
 This is a picture of the steeple at our church. I love steeples and how it allows a church to stand apart from other buildings. This one is special too since people in our church are the ones that originally built it. We were able to help build our church...One day at a time... and now we have a ministry to those who live in East County.
This next picture is our group of T-n-Ters (3rd through 6th graders) and the leaders. We get together each Sunday night and enjoy a game time and then spend time in their books, memorizing scripture and passing challenges. These kids are learning how to live for Christ...One day at a time.

 This was my ride home tonight! It's probably been 18 years since I've been a biker chick but it was fun! It was a little chilly but fun...just another way I am learning to take life, One Day at a Time!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

BoneFish, Starbucks, & Home Depot- Date Night #1

Today the weather turned chilly for us Floridians and I was able to spend the day indoors! It was so nice to just relax around the house, wrap up in a blanket and read a good book.
Tonight though we ventured out on our first of 12 dates!
This year for Christmas Bill didn't have anything he really wanted or needed so I had to use my imagination.
I decided to put together 12 dates- One a month- for the 2 of us to enjoy over the next year. I typed up 12 different dates and then bought the necessary gift cards to put with each date.

We used a gift card I received and had dinner at Bonefish Grill. When we got there at 530pm there was an hour wait so we took our beeper and walked around the plaza to do a little shopping before coming back and wating for our table. They seated us in a neat 2 person booth where we enjoyed Shrimp Fettuccine and Fontina Chop!! They were delicious! Then we stopped by Starbucks for our after dinner coffees~ We were able to chat a minute with Court (who gave us a discount-Thank you Court)

 and then finished out the evening with a stop at Home Depot where he had a gift card included to use! We now have a new garage door opener button! It was a great night out and a nice start to the first of 12 dates together as we enjoy them One day at a time!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Bon Apetit

Today my picture is FUN! Aren't they neat? I've never seen another set like them.  A close friend gave them to me because she knows that I have my kitchen decorated with chefs. They fit in so well with my theme and make such a great trio-fork, knife, & spoon!! You can't help but smile when you look them. They sit on my window shelf where we can see them every day.
Find something that is fun to look at and put it on a shelf  that you pass by every day. So that as you live life one day at a time you have something that will make you smile.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A day at the office

Today was "Take your daughter to work" day for me!! My boss had some odd jobs to be done at our office and hired Bethany to come and take care of them. She did a great job! She had all the work done and got a couple of extra things done too and still had time to run to the store! It was so nice spending part of the day with her. She has been such a blessing while home on her Christmas break. Yesterday, I came home to a clean house with all the laundry done, cookies baked and dinner ready to be put on the table! I appreciate her and love her! I miss her while she is away at college!
I have to add a second picture because this is part of what I do while I am living one day at a time.
I work at a tax accountant's office-Jim Gay CPA (if you are looking for a new tax accountant). We have been going through some huge changes over the past few months and we still have a few more to go through. This week I tackled my boss's office. It had become quite cluttered and needed to be organized since he will need to start using his office as well as a conference room to meet with clients. I am kicking myself for not taking a before picture but this is the "after"!
I purposely didn't show his desk-it's still a work in progress but it's getting there!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sweetness times 2!

I can't help but smile when I look at these 2 sweet faces! These 2 young ones go to CCS and were watching the alumni game with their dad when I walked by and saw their shirts! I love all things cupcakes and couldn't resist taking their picture and they willingly smiled! I'm thinking about getting a cupcake, a cup of coffee and a good book and just sit back and enjoy life...One day at a time!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Through a Child's Eyes

Have you ever spent a day with younger children? I watched babies and preschoolers in our home for around 15 years. I loved it! It was fun watching them try things for the first time. I loved reading to them or teaching them how to do something new. Kids will love you unconditionally. It reminds me of the love of Christ and how I can run to Him and His arms are always open. The other aspect I love in children is that they live in the moment. They don't understand the concept of time. They live...One day at a Time!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mist in the Morning

On my way to work this morning I grabbed my camera and snapped this picture of the mist that was hanging low. It brought a verse to mind: James 4:14-" Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow; for what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away."
Sometimes we get so caught up in "life" that we forget that we are not promised anything. We need to live our lives for God and live it...One day at a time!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Another step in the Journey that God has for their lives~

I knew what I wanted to talk about today and wondered if I would be able to get a picture, but I did!
Today some dear friends took the next step in the journey that God has put them on and we had an exciting part in it! The Kluvers packed up everything they had and moved to Montana this summer to help Schrepfers in their church. They have felt called to join CBM as church planters. They flew back this weekend to have an examination by our church. They were voted unanimously to be commissioned and so tonight we became their sending church.
It will be exciting to watch and see how God continues to lead and direct in their lives as they continue on...One day at a time!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

There's nothing as exciting as a new baby on the way!

Today I had the privilege of  going to a friend's baby shower! She had a lot of people there to honor her. Her mom loves to give parties and did a fabulous job of decorating with the surfing theme! The morning was enjoyable with so many girls sitting in Roman's family's home enjoying brunch and watching Carolynn open all of the adorable items for their new little dude!

As I sat and watched her open each gift I thought about the fact that she is entering a new stage of her life and there will be many firsts for her to enjoy and that it will all come...One day at a time! Congratulations Carolynn & Roman! ♥

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day off!

I have one more day off before I go into tax season and work my full-time hours through April-so today was a great day! I slept in and then when I got up and got myself ready for the day and started my laundry, I made coffee! I enjoyed a couple of mugs and just enjoyed the quietness before the busyness set in and errands had to be run. I'm trying to learn to enjoy "now" and just take it a day at a time~
I Peter 3:4:
"But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious."
Enjoy the day as you go through it. Don't fret about the future. God is in control and will guide you if your let Him.
James 4:13-14
"Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:
   Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Today I tried to decide which picture I wanted to post...we had another basketball game and I was going to post the score (we lost terribly) but then I thought about my work (the office will be one of my pictures one of these days since I spend 36-45 hours there a week). But in the end I chose a picture that isn't the best quality of picture but because it was what today was all about-the temperature! It was only in the 30s this morning in Florida!!
I remember the long cold winters in Ohio and I kept repeating to myself today that although it was cold, it will only last a few days and then it will be Florida weather again! :) Take time to enjoy the sunshine whether the temperature is chilly or warm and realize that God is in control of even the weather and take it one day at a time!
It is neat to do some research and see what the Bible says about weather. He know that he sent famines and a flood. He also sends the cold:
Psalm 78:47" He destroyed ...their sycomore trees with frost..."

Job 37:6 "For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth..."
But whatever the weather is it can always be "warm" in your heart if you have Christ as your Savior and you are praising Him.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mid-week service at church involves being able to spend time with dear friends!

Now that I am doing this blog I am on the lookout  constantly for pictures to take. I had just taken my seat in church when I looked up and saw this whole family sitting together! They are dear friends and this is the last time for quite a few months that the whole family will be together since 2 are in college and the one is in another state. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to capture a moment in time. Life goes on but family remains forever and we just have to take...one day at a time!
It is also a tribute to the parents to show that these kids are growing up and still come to church.
There is a saying "a family the prays together, stays together."
If you have the proper umbrella in your family it will be one that thrives and survives in this world of turmoil.
Christ should be the head with the husband under that and over his family.
Our prayer should be the same as Joshua-
Joshua 24:15
"choose this day whom you will serve...But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Basketball game of 2012 for our Varsity Crusaders-they are serious about playing! Day 3 called for 3 pictures!

This was the first game after Christmas break so there has been an absence of practices but they came together as a team and played a great game. They appreciate each other as individuals and strive to work together in order to play their best and win their games. And yet it isn't always about winning. 
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!"
This is how we should live our lives one day at a time! 

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Fun night full of laughter, funny faces, bubble blowing contests and plenty of Mac-n-cheese!

Our house was full with young adults that spent the evening laughing and eating and just having fun! I made homemade Mac-n-cheese and corn dogs for the Knoedler boys. We even had bubble gum blowing contests! Then some of them gathered around the piano and sang in perfect harmony! We have some great kids that are growing up fast but are still growing in the Lord! It's exciting to see God working in their lives as they take it one day at a time!!
Psalm 40:1-3
" I waited patiently for the LORD; 
   he inclined to me and heard my cry. 
He drew me up from the pit of destruction, 
   out of the miry bog, 
and set my feet upon a rock, 
   making my steps secure. 
 He put a new song in my mouth, 
   a song of praise to our God. 
Many will see and fear, 
   and put their trust in the LORD."
God can and will work in your life if you let Him. We all know people that we have watched over the years and they have followed the path that God led them down and they have prospered. It is exciting to see what has happened and how they have developed as a Christian. Then it is sad to see those that want to live for themselves and their life is in shambles. It may not always be popular or easy but following Christ is the best way!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! Day one of 2012

I started my year off with the sweetest little girl! We sat in the driveway at  1205am and lit off sparklers! 2012 started off with some pops and bangs and lots of lights! Looking forward to taking it one day at a time!
Start off the year right by praying and asking God to help you grow closer to Him this year. And praise Him for who He is!
1 Peter 1:3
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again (new life) to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
If you are aren't saved then accepting Him as your personal Savior at the beginning of the year would be a great way to start off!