Abraham Lincoln~

The best thing about the future is that it only comes One Day at a Time~ Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Headed to the Jr/Sr

My son is a Junior this year and his class is in charge of the Junior/Senior banquet at his school. He decided to go stag and we had fun shopping for his outfit! The difference between boys and girls is that girls love to go to a lot of different stores and try on a lot of different dresses before you find the "perfect" dress. Well, we found a new suit for J.W. at Christmas time and he had only worn it a couple of times saving it for this banquet. One evening after we had dinner out we decided to stop at a store to see if we could find a dress shirt for him. He had a certain color in mind. We went through the door and right to the men's department. We found the shirt pretty quickly and they had his size-score!! As we were trying to find the shoes we passed by vests and he asked if he could get one-we pulled one off, tried it on and said-yep! On to the shoe department. First pair we pulled off the shelf he tried on and said he liked them. 

About 12 minutes in the store and we had the outfit completed except for the tie. I found the tie a couple of weeks later at a different store-took a picture on my phone and sent it to him. Outfit complete!!
He looks so handsome!
A group of them met at Jacob's house for pictures before leaving in a limo for dinner.

One of the fathers was generous and got the limo for the group.

All set and ready to have an evening of fun!
Even taking one day at a time it is flying by!

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