Abraham Lincoln~

The best thing about the future is that it only comes One Day at a Time~ Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Snail Mail

There are fewer and fewer of these boxes out there now. The Postal Service has declared that they are deep in debt and have cut back on postal workers and mail carriers. Boxes have been pulled and post offices have been closed in order to consolidate and save money. I have my own opinion on this subject but I will refrain from sharing. The Internet with emails and the computer capabilities with scans and faxes have greatly reduced the amount of "snail mail" that crosses our country. I think it is funny how it has almost become a generational thing. I told my "adopted daughter" that I would send her snail mail and she did not know about what I was talking. I think that is also sad. Letter writing is becoming a thing of the past. I love to get mail-don't you? There is something special about the fact that someone was thinking about you and took the time to send you a letter or note or card! It's o.k. to get an email or text message but it isn't the same thing. Thank you notes are not taught by most parents anymore and I fear it is one more step away from the general world of proper etiquette and Emily Post's "do's and don'ts"! I save all the cards and notes and thank yous that I receive in the mail. I have a huge hat box that they are in and I love going through and re-reading some of them. I also keep some of the notes or cards in my Bible or notebooks so that they are close by and able to be enjoyed. I try to send out notes and cards to those in my life to let them know that I care and appreciate them and am thankful for what part they have played in my life.
There is one letter that has been written to us and was done with a lot of love-written by about 40 different men over a 2000 year period and it is the most wonderful piece of mail we could ever receive. It is the Bible and has so much information in it that we can never exhaust it all. If you are weary there is scripture to read
Matthew 11:28 
"Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Any situation you have God can talk to you through His Word, if you will let Him-one  day at a time!
If you are consumed with worry
Philippians 4:6-7:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
These are just a couple of the many examples that you can find when you spend time in our letter from God.
It is something that has been preserved over the years and still stands true and relevant today. There may be one day when God's Word may not be available to everyone so we need to make the most of our time-memorize it, study it, learn all about it, and fall in love with the author-God.

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