Abraham Lincoln~

The best thing about the future is that it only comes One Day at a Time~ Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Time Flies!

What flies but has no wings?
What runs away from you but has no legs?

As I have gotten older I have learned what my parents have said for a long time...Time flies!
When you are a child, time seems to drag-Christmas is coming and it takes FOREVER!
Your birthday is in a few days and those days feel like months!
As you grow older time seems to speed up. The moments are gone before you know it and the next year is already here. You have a baby and you seem to blink and they are graduating!
We try to multi-task to get more done in a day. 
There are still only 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day and 168 hours a week! 
What do you do with the time that you have been given? It comes down to priorities.
What is important to you is what you will spend your time on. There are good things in life and then there are better things. Christ should be first and you should spend one day at a time with Him-spending time in His Word and in prayer. Most of us have to work and we spend 40+ hours a week at our job! While you are there do you give 100 percent to your boss? And if you have family then time is spent with them-do you enjoy it-are you training your children up in the Lord?
We can't add any minutes to our day but we can make each minute count by making the most of the time Christ has given us. Witness to those around you while you are accomplishing the jobs that need to be done. Take the time to prioritize and choose the better things over the good.
We don't know how much time God has given us here on earth but we have been told that while we are here we should be..
Ephesians 5:16
redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

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