Abraham Lincoln~

The best thing about the future is that it only comes One Day at a Time~ Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

An Ordinary Day!

When you are a child you live for all the excitement and "special" days! As I get older I am thrilled for an ordinary day.  One without drama or sadness or anger. There are a lot of ordinary days and ordinary days are something for which to be thankful.
It was an ordinary, uneventful day at work and now it is a quiet, ordinary evening at home. 
Grilling burgers out on the lanai and eating with the family. Just an ordinary night! What a blessing!

It brought to my mind a lot of friends that are not having an ordinary day. Some families have members that are not with them at this time. There are some that have heavy burdens they are carrying right now and it makes today a very difficult day. There are those that have exciting plans coming up in the near future and today would be a busy day with lots of items to check off their list. 
Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in our own lives and be consumed with ourselves and forget about those around us. We all have problems and as Christian and a friend I count it a privilege to be able to share with others one day at a time so that I can pray for them and help out where I can.  (An ordinary day gives me the opportunity to be available for someone else.) See? There are wonderful benefits of having an ordinary day!
Isaiah 41:6 
They helped every one his neighbor, and every one said to his brother, "Be of good courage." 
Hebrews 4:16 
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. 

So, when you are having "just an ordinary day" thank the Lord and then spend some time praying for those around you that might not be having an ordinary day.

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