Abraham Lincoln~

The best thing about the future is that it only comes One Day at a Time~ Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Is There a Santa Claus?

Which came first for Christmas? Christ or Santa? Well, here is my take on that whole 'discussion'. My family never believed in Santa Claus-my parents never had us confused by wondering if there was a fat jolly man who somehow squeezed himself down our stove pipe and tiptoed around our house to leave presents. They chose to have us focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas is being celebrated because of Christ-hence the name of the holiday being celebrated CHRISTmas! Some may think it is extreme but my thought is that I was not going to let my children believe in an imaginary person and then have to explain it all to them that Santa isn't real but Christ is. My kids knew from the beginning that Santa was a make believe fun character who is found around the Christmas holiday, like an Easter bunny-who leaves...eggs?! Or the tooth fairy that can fly money in and leave it under your pillow!! 
As we are living our life one day at a time I believe that truth is the best option! Christ is truth.
John 14:6
Christ told us, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life."
John 8:32
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Tell your children the truth from the beginning. I believe that you can still have fun traditions and lots of fun activities but you don't have to have lie in order to experience them. Take your kids to sit on Father Christmas' lap but let them know he isn't any more special than any other character that dresses up for an amusement park. Santa can't really be everywhere and see all the boys and girls, but God can.
I am thankful that I can trust and believe in Christ and know that He is always there and even if I make a mistake, I can get forgiveness. Christ is always with me.

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