Abraham Lincoln~

The best thing about the future is that it only comes One Day at a Time~ Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Best Intentions-Time Flies!

I can't believe I forgot to post last night! I had thought about different things and even got on the internet but I never came and did it. So sorry! So...
This was my picture for yesterday. My wonderful clock that my BFF got me for Christmas one year and is on my wall in my kitchen. It tells me the time but it also reminds me that time flies, that the clock is always ticking and that my time is short here on earth and I need to make the most of it as I live it minute by minute, waiting for the Lord to come...One day at a time!


  1. I'm so sorry Lori that I didn' t catch your blog earlier! Great job putting your photos and "blurb" out there. It can be a creative outlet. I'll keep up with ya. Way to go! From one blogger to another... Hugs.

  2. Thanks Margi-you are one of my inspirations! I love your blog!! Hugs back to you!
