Abraham Lincoln~

The best thing about the future is that it only comes One Day at a Time~ Abraham Lincoln

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Today is President's Day and we as a country are celebrating the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln but, it is a much more special day to our family as it is the day we celebrate the birthday of...MY DAD!!
February 20, 1948 the world became a little better as this was the day my dad was born!
I have a lot to be thankful and my dad has a huge part on that list.

My dad was and still is a great provider.
My dad, as well as my mom, have displayed a wonderful Christian testimony for me and my brother to consistently see.
My dad is a great example of a man who truly loves his wife and is totally devoted her.
My dad (and mom) saw the necessity of Christian education and made the sacrifice for me and my brother to be able to go to a christian school for all 13 school years. He was involved in starting a new school and part of the school board for many years.
My dad always made time for us and helped with a lot of projects throughout the years!
My dad has a lot of talents and I've been blessed to inherit some of those same gifts!
My dad loves to laugh and has mellowed out as the years have gone by.
My dad can goof off and sing opera!!
So, although my dad won't read this (since he doesn't have any idea I write a blog) I have definitely told him all of these things.
 I love you Daddy! Happy 64th Birthday!

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