Abraham Lincoln~

The best thing about the future is that it only comes One Day at a Time~ Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Housecleaning Blues?

Some might say that they have the housecleaning blues
When they look around the house and see there's so much to do.
But for me, I relish the time to clean
making up my to-do lists
On everything that can be seen.
I gather up my duster and my broom
Turn on my music and away I zoom!
Bathrooms with toilets to scrub,
 rugs to be shaken
and rings to remove from around the tubs.
Kitchens, and Bedrooms and Great rooms and more.
Garbage collected, laundry folded and then off to the store!

This morning I was able to wake up leisurely, enjoy my coffee and a little computer time.
Then I gathered up my cleaning supplies and started in on the jobs!
I have always enjoyed staying at home, taking care of my house-cleaning and decorating and whatever else needed done! It gives me a great feeling of accomplishment when I am done-the dust is removed (for a day or two!)  the laundry is washed and folded and put away (for at least an hour) and the kitchen is cleaned (until lunchtime)! But at least I know that as long as my family continues to live here...I still have a job!!

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