Abraham Lincoln~

The best thing about the future is that it only comes One Day at a Time~ Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"Fast" Food

I actually enjoy McDonald's for dinner every once in awhile. Some of you will agree and others will say they can't stand McDonald's. 

I enjoy getting a hot carmel mocha (nonfat no whip) and a french fry!
My father-in-law loves their double cheeseburgers-I happen to agree! :)
I think about the term fast food and realize that it can mean more than one thing. It is made quickly and we usually don't have to wait too long before it arrives on our tray ready to eat. I think that it also is food that will add pounds to our frames "fast". If our diet consists of only this type of food we will most likely gain weight.
It then made me think of something else-fast food can be an example of anything in our life that we do to an excess that is not "healthy" for us. It will have a negative result in our life. One thing that always will have a positive effect in our life is the Bible. It's as "good" as fast food but will not add the fat to our bodies. It can strengthen us and encourage us and guide and direct and nourish us one day at a time, but we have to open it and read it and be willing to listen to what it says and allow it to change our lives. A great place to start is in the New Testament in the book of John. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life." If you want to talk about this please comment and let me know-I would be happy to share more of the milk and meat out of the Bible. It's more filling than fast food.

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