Abraham Lincoln~

The best thing about the future is that it only comes One Day at a Time~ Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Gentlemen...Start your Engines!

Tonight was our annual A.W.A.N.A. Grand Prix. For those of you not familiar with this event, it is a time when the kids in our church have the opportunity to make a race car out of a kit (block of wood, 4 axles, and 4 wheels). It is always fun to see what styles the kids come up with and how fast the cars are able to race down the track.  Our age group starts off with our "Cubbies" and they get to race a matchbox car down the track. We had 5 little ones that LOVED racing their car! 

Then we moved to the next age group which were the "Sparks" (K5-2nd grade). There were 2 boys and 2 girls that raced. We had the Sweetheart Cart, the Speeding bullet, Racing to Heaven, and the Lightning Bolt. They did a great job and the Speeding Bullet (Brogan's car) definitely flew down the track! 

Our T-n-T group only had 3 entries this year but they did a great job! My clubber Grace had the "Super Hero" car and she took 1st in speed and design. 

They also had her race  Brogan to see if the Super Hero was faster than a speeding bullet! :) (It almost was!) 
I also made an entry. Dave named mine "Cupcake Wars"! 

It was over the weight so I wasn't planning on racing it, but Eli asked me to race against him. Since mine was so much heavier though mine won! It was fun to make! I'm so thankful to my hubby for helping me cut it all out this week!
I think that everyone had a lot of fun, either participating or just watching. I also appreciated Pastor Andy and the brief challenge he brought after the races. He talked about how we are all in a race. We either join in the race, once we are saved, or we are on the sideline just watching the race. Once we join the race God is always there and available to help us, one day at a time-He's the best pit chief you could ever ask for. And it's great to know that when we see the checkered flag and cross the finish line He will be there to welcome us. Will He tell you "Well done my good and faithful servant"? 

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