Abraham Lincoln~

The best thing about the future is that it only comes One Day at a Time~ Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Happily Ever After...

Those of us that are happily married can look back and see how God orchestrated the meeting of our spouse and can now tell funny stories or sweet memories and see how it has all worked out. I am thankful for the experiences and relationships that God has brought me through, taught me lessons through, and protected me from one day at a time. I am thankful for my husband and the perfect mate that he is for me. He is not perfect and neither am I but we are perfect for each other. As I look at my friends and their spouses I can say the same about them. Since we live in a world where sin is still present we cannot claim to be perfect and therefore have to continue to work to keep our marriages healthy but having Christ as our "head" it can be done. I know that I can be thankful that my parents prayed for me and the man I would marry, just as I pray for the future spouse that God may bring to my children. As we grow up there are sometimes bumps along the way and things may change from what WE think our future is going to be. I tell my children that all I want for them is to love the Lord with all of their heart, mind, and soul and He will give them the desires of their heart because their heart will be in tune with God. We will only be happy if we are with the one that God has planned for us.
Deuteronomy 6:5
   "And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might."
The following pictures are just a few that I have taken of some friends that I say are great examples of happily married Christian friends. I have a lot more friends that I could say are in the same category but I don't have their picture :) . Thank you to those of you that have been married many years and have been a great example to me -like Art & Harriette Christmann that are celebrating 67 years and Nanny & Poppy celebrating 53 years. Thank you also for the friends that have been married about the same number of years as we have been and are continuing on as great examples. And then thank you to those that are just starting out and looking forward to being married-it's a wonderful journey that will be filled with both happy times and sometimes bumps, but a time where you can grow closer to each other as you grow closer to the Lord. Remember that our mate cannot fulfill all of our needs-only Christ can do that for us. Whether or not God brings a help-mate along for you, our first priority should be loving, honoring & following Him-if we realize that then the rest of our life will fall into place.

If God has given you a mate then be sure to thank the Lord for them and then tell them that you are thankful for them and you love them. If God hasn't chosen that path for you then rejoice in the life He has given you and continue to follow what plan He has laid before you. Only God can totally satisfy!

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